Your primary care physician at Veda Health is here to help you manage your ear infection. Ear infections are an inflammation and/or fluid buildup in the tubes that connect your throat to your ear drums. An ear infection often starts with a cold or throat infection and can affect the middle ear. It can be quite painful. In adults, symptoms include ear pain, fluid drainage from ears, muffled or difficult hearing, nausea, full feeling in ear, and/or stabbing pain with warm discharge from the ear. In children, symptoms include poor sleep, fussiness, crying at night after lying down, decreased appetite, fever, and ear tugging. Most ear infections clear up on their own and require no medical intervention. However, if the symptoms do not improve within 3 days, and/or you develop a fever, this could indicate a more serious infection. Antibiotics are sometimes needed to treat severe cases, or cases that last longer than 2-3 days.